What We Can Do, Now, to Help Get Out the Vote

Some of us wish we could do more, and influence the election, change the world, get justice, or at least get DT out of office. Taking action to get out the vote will not only help us get DT out of office, change governmental policies, and give us the chance to actually make substantive changes in this nation, but it can make us feel stronger. To paraphrase a poem by Theodore Roethke, we learn by acting how to act.


Here are a few contact numbers and addresses to take action to get out the vote:



NextGen America Phone calls



National Calls



Turnout Thursday, 9/3, make calls:



Write letters


Staffing the Polling Places:




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  1. Alicia Hirschhorn

    We can get the printouts of our district and call each person,see if they need a ride to the polls…then as we get closer call again.Then go to polls and see if we can help those beautiful soulss who who been there year after year..

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