The election of DT first scared the hell out of me. His inauguration makes this even worse, more real. I feel the world, including the natural world, my life, personal and collective slipping away from my grasp. Becoming a gigantic unknown. And it’s forcing me to re-evaluate so much of what I want, so much of what I’m used to and who I think I am.
Throughout human history, people have faced such feelings, that a gigantic change or feared cataclysm⎼ or hopeful revolution⎼ was coming. Bob Dylan sang in the 1960s that “The Times They Are A-Changing.” Religions of different places and times expressed their hopes and directed their fears.
In Christianity, for example, there was talk of the “end times,” through different stages including the time of the Anti-Christ, or Satanic man, and finally the New Creation, when Christ remakes heaven and Earth, and ends death, pain, suffering. In Judaism, there’s the prediction of a time of a coming messiah, a liberator who will bring the end of days, the Kingdom of God or an ideal state. Islam speaks of the day of judgement.
Times of natural disasters, droughts and fires, floods and hurricanes, created fear and sorrow, a sense that the greater world was turning against us. Wars, rebellions, and injustices, times when leaders spread hate and violence created a sense of our own humanness turning against us. People felt powerless, that their nation, human society was collapsing. Instead of focusing on the light within, people turned to the dark. Instead of looking clearly at the world, the society, or themselves, they searched for someone or something to blame.
We know this happens. We turn ordinary humans like ourselves into devils; instead of self-inquiry and studying history, science, thinking critically, we see Satan.
In such times, it is never more important for people to do what many of us are trying to do now: to get creative. To look for understanding and ways to join with others, ways of acting.
In 1882, philosopher Frederick Nietzsche wrote: “Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern and ran to the marketplace, and cried incessantly, “I seek God!” “Whither is God.” He cried out. “We have killed him- you and I.” And later, “Whither are we moving now? …Is there an up or down left? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? …. There has never been a greater deed. And whoever will be born after us… will be part of a higher history than all history hitherto.”
Social Media, Information Establishments,But then, Nietzsche’s madman fell silent. No one responded to him. “[T]his event is still on its way… The light of the stars requires time, deeds require time… before they can be seen or heard.” The events and movements of today share characteristics with the insight and emotion behind the madman’s cries. If we can face our fears and gigantic cultural shifts, a higher history can follow.
Almost 100 years after Nietzsche wrote this, in 1966 it became an iconic news headline. An article about it in Time Magazine led to angry pulpit speeches and pinpointed the decreasing influence of established religion in the rapidly changing cultural landscape of the US. It asked us: if we eliminate a central focus for belief and for guiding behavior from the past, from understanding ourselves, whatever that focus is, what will take its place?
When the Whole Universe Feels Like It’s Slipping Away: It Can Take a Long Time for Truths to Reach Us
The election of DT first scared the hell out of me. His inauguration makes this even worse, more real. I feel the world, including the natural world, my life, personal and collective slipping away from my grasp. Becoming a gigantic unknown. And it’s forcing me to re-evaluate so much of what I want, so much of what I’m used to and who I think I am.
Throughout human history, people have faced such feelings, that a gigantic change or feared cataclysm⎼ or hopeful revolution⎼ was coming. Bob Dylan sang in the 1960s that “The Times They Are A-Changing.” Religions of different places and times expressed their hopes and directed their fears.
In Christianity, for example, there was talk of the “end times,” through different stages including the time of the Anti-Christ, or Satanic man, and finally the New Creation, when Christ remakes heaven and Earth, and ends death, pain, suffering. In Judaism, there’s the prediction of a time of a coming messiah, a liberator who will bring the end of days, the Kingdom of God or an ideal state. Islam speaks of the day of judgement.
Times of natural disasters, droughts and fires, floods and hurricanes, created fear and sorrow, a sense that the greater world was turning against us. Wars, rebellions, and injustices, times when leaders spread hate and violence created a sense of our own humanness turning against us. People felt powerless, that their nation, human society was collapsing. Instead of focusing on the light within, people turned to the dark. Instead of looking clearly at the world, the society, or themselves, they searched for someone or something to blame.
We know this happens. We turn ordinary humans like ourselves into devils; instead of self-inquiry and studying history, science, thinking critically, we see Satan.
In such times, it is never more important for people to do what many of us are trying to do now: to get creative. To look for understanding and ways to join with others, ways of acting.
In 1882, philosopher Frederick Nietzsche wrote: “Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern and ran to the marketplace, and cried incessantly, “I seek God!” “Whither is God.” He cried out. “We have killed him- you and I.” And later, “Whither are we moving now? …Is there an up or down left? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? …. There has never been a greater deed. And whoever will be born after us… will be part of a higher history than all history hitherto.”
Social Media, Information Establishments,But then, Nietzsche’s madman fell silent. No one responded to him. “[T]his event is still on its way… The light of the stars requires time, deeds require time… before they can be seen or heard.” The events and movements of today share characteristics with the insight and emotion behind the madman’s cries. If we can face our fears and gigantic cultural shifts, a higher history can follow.
Almost 100 years after Nietzsche wrote this, in 1966 it became an iconic news headline. An article about it in Time Magazine led to angry pulpit speeches and pinpointed the decreasing influence of established religion in the rapidly changing cultural landscape of the US. It asked us: if we eliminate a central focus for belief and for guiding behavior from the past, from understanding ourselves, whatever that focus is, what will take its place?
Charles Kupchan, in a recent article in the Atlantic, wrote, “Trump is Right that Pax Romana is Over’.”…
*To read the whole post, please go to this link to The Good Men Project.
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