Mindfulness, Visualization and Other Practices Which Appear in Compassionate Critical Thinking.


Mindfulness, Visualization and Other Practices Which Appear in Compassionate Critical Thinking.

Practice, Page Number:
Listening to the Singing Bowl, 2-3
Settling Breath and Body, 6-7
Introductions to Different Types of Practice, 9-10
Settling Breath and Body, Mindfully Noticing the Quality of Breath, 10
Goal-Setting, 13
Inquiry Into the Depth of the Words You Speak, 14
The Openness of Inner Space, 16
Visualizing A Hero, 18
Visualizing A Flower, A Character In A Novel, 20-22
Openness Meditation, On The Sky, 26-28
Visualizing the Jewel of Indra, 30
Mindfulness of Thoughts and Inquiry Into the Brain, 31-32
Visualization to Anchor and Review Information on the Brain, 34
Developing Loving Attention: Perceiving A Stone, 36
Counting the Inhalation and Exhalation, Focusing Attention, 40
Visualization to Assist Memory, Review, and Integrate Material, 43-44
Counting the Exhalation, Focusing Attention, 48
Mindfulness of Sound and Silence, and Letting Go of Distractions, 51-52
Healing Meditation: Ball of Light, 56-57
Mindfulness of Sensations, Thoughts, and Inquiry Into Anger and Forgiveness, 59-60
Awareness of the Body Language of Others: Mirroring, 63
Inquiry Into Kindness, 64
NBC: Notice, Breathe, Consider, 66
Inquiry Into Joy, 68
Noticing Sensation, Inquiry Into Courage, 71
Inquiry Into Greed and Feeling Complete As You Are, 74
Developing Compassion by Visualizing a Person of Concern, 82
Compassion Meditation: Visualizing Others and You as Happy, Healthy, and at Peace, 83-84
Inquiry Into Loving-Caring, and Wishing Self and Others to Be Happy, Kind, and Loving, 88
Whole Body Awareness, 91
Focus On Air Passing Upper Lip, Inquiry Into Critical Thinking, 97
Labeling Thoughts, Noticing the Quiet Gap, 102
Practices to Intervene in Thoughts, 105
Proprioceptive Writing: Hearing Your Thoughts, 106-108
Testing Your Conclusions, 110